4. A Design of the Intelligent Aircraft based on STM32

Fengzhi Dai1,2, Hongbo Hao1
1Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China
2Tianjin Tianke Intelligent and Manufacture Technology CO., LTD, China
pp. 17–21
With the chip STM32f767 igt6 (M7 series) as the core, the designed aircraft will finally realize the intelligence by using the optimized attitude algorithm (cascade PID and single-stage PID share the optimized control), omni-directional ultrasonic radar detection barrier collision prevention technology, long-distance wireless transmission technology (to realize the timely transmission of images recognition), navigation technology (the Beidou and GPS double positioning system to realize more accurate positioning), voice recognition technology, man-machine interaction technology, and wireless local area network technology. The experiment shows the result.

Article History
Received 23 October 2019
Accepted 01 July 2020

AircraftMan-machine interaction
Wireless transmission


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