5.Diagnostic Aid of Palm Image Relating to Asthma Based on Convolution Neural Network

Kunyu Yu, Hiroshi Matsuki
System Information, Ashikaga University, Ashikaga, City, 3260822, Japan
pp. 151–154
ABSTRACT In the long history of TCM, it has been said that the shape and number of wrinkles, the depth of the wrinkles and the roughness of the matricular area of the palm are closely related to medical conditions such as asthma and allergic diseases. This study focuses on palmprint classification using deep learning based on TCM. This paper made the palm image dataset according to the characteristics of the wrinkles. In training, an inception V3 model using the Tensor Flow framework and Google Net was used to correctly classify the palmprint part of the thumbprint as negative or positive with a certain probability. This result expected to facilitate diagnosis to asthma and allergic diseases.

Article History
Received 11 November 2021
Accepted 14 March 2023

Diagnostic aid system
Chinese medicine
Support for TCM


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