Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund
Corresponding Author
Luigi Pagliarini
Available Online 2 March 2015.
Art, Playware, Modular Technology, Remixing Playware, Social Art
We here describe Parallel Relational Universes, an artistic method used
for the psychological analysis of group dynamics. The design of the artistic
system, which mediates group dynamics, emerges from our studies of modular
playware and remixing playware. Inspired from remixing modular playware,
where users remix samples in the form of physical and functional modules,
we created an artistic instantiation of such a concept with the Parallel
Relational Universes, allowing arts alumni to remix artistic expressions.
Here, we report the data emerged from a first pre-test, run with gymnasium’s
alumni. We then report both the artistic and the psychological findings.
We discuss possible variations of such an instrument. Between an art piece
and a psychological test, at a first cognitive analysis, it seems to be
a promising research tool.
© 2013, the Authors. Published by ALife Robotics Corp. Ltd.
Open Access
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