Joo Kooi Tan1, *, Kenta Hori2, Seiji Ishikawa3
1Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
804-8550, Japan
2Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu,
Fukuoka 804-8550, Japan
3Kyushu Institute of Technology
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
Corresponding Author
Joo Kooi Tan
Received 10 November 2019, Accepted 18 May 2020, Available Online 4 June
MY VISION; ego-cameras; optical flow; MSC-HOG; HOF; pedestrian detection;
walk direction
This paper proposes a pedestrian detection method using a MY VISION system.
The MY VISION system is an image processing system using an ego-camera
which a user of the system possesses, and it is expected to be the third
eye of those who are aged, visually impaired or even those who are absorbed
in a mobile-phone while walking. In the proposed method, a flow area different
from camera movement is extracted first on the image provided from a user’s
head-mounted camera. The area is a candidate area where pedestrians may
exist. Multiple scale cell-histograms of oriented gradients features are
then calculated to detect pedestrians in the area. Histograms of optical
flow feature is further computed to recognize the moving direction of the
detected pedestrians. The proposed method was examined its performance
experimentally and satisfactory results were obtained.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by ALife Robotics Corp. Ltd.
Open Access
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