1.A Nonlinear Oscillator Coupling Model to Provide the Hough Transform Function Without the Discrete Voting Procedure

Amarbold Purev, Hiroaki Wagatsuma
Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, 2-4 Hibikino, Wakamatsu, Kitakyushu 808-0196, Japan
pp. 185–192
The most common algorithm for detecting straight lines in a digital image is the Hough Transform method. The method involves two consecutive steps: transforming the image edge location onto parameter space and voting procedure to acquire line characteristics. The former deals in continuous space, and the latter counts votes in a discrete matrix, making the algorithm sensitive to noise. We transformed each image pixel location to the parameter space as a Hough line and generated a nonlinear oscillator to attract them into the intersection with other lines. This concept could contribute to a line detection problem in image processing using a consistent mathematical description.

ARTICLE INFOArticle History
Received 25 November 2022
Accepted 26 April 2023

Hough transform
Line detection
Nonlinear dynamics
Coupled nonlinear oscillators
Kuramoto model


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