9. Haze Predication Based on Image Quality Score

Heshalini Rajagopal1, Sayanth Sudheer2, Norrima Mokhtar3
1Institute of Computer Science and Digital Innovation, UCSI University, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Manipal International University, Malaysia
3Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia
pp. 55–58
Haze is a prevalent term within the field of image processing, encompassing both naturally occurring phenomena and aerosols generated by human activities. It gives rise to light scattering and absorption, leading to reduced image visibility. This diminished clarity poses challenges for various photographic and computer vision applications, including object recognition and localization. Consequently, there is a growing need for a method to estimate haze density accurately. In this research paper, we introduce a novel model called the "haziness degree evaluator." This model enables the prediction of haze density from a single image, eliminating the necessity for a reference haze-free image. The proposed model quantifies haze density through the optimization of an objective function that encompasses haze-related features derived from correlation and computational analysis.

Article History
Received 06 August 2022
Accepted 08 September 2023

Image quality assessment (IQA)
Image quality score
Haze prediction


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