13.Formation control of rectangular agents using complex Laplacian

Yaxin Li, Yingmin Jia, Jintao Hu
The Seventh Research Division and the Center for Information and Control, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA), 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China
pp. 77–80
A distributed control algorithm based on artificial potential function, coordinate transformation and complex Laplacian for formation control of second-order rectangular agents is presented in this paper. The system can achieve the desired formation, avoid collision and maintain connectivity between agents. The stability analysis of this algorithm is given. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm is illustrated by the simulation results
Keywords:rectangular agents, formation control, communication maintenance e, collision avoidance

Article History
Received 24 November 2021
Accepted 29 Macch 2022

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