9.An Analysis of Robot Speed Efficiency for Mobile Robot Adapted Three Omni Rollers Using Linear Transformation

Kenji Kimura1, Yuki Shigyo2, Kazuo Ishii3
1Department of Control Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Matsue College, 14-4 Nishi-ikuma-cho, Matsue-shi, Shimane, 690-8518, Japan
2Digital Solution Div, DX Engagement Dept, Fujitsu, 3-5-20 Minamikamata. Ota City, Tokyo 144-0035, Japan
3Graduate School of Life Science and engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, 2-4 Hibikino, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, 808-0196, Fukuoka, Japan
pp. 242–249
RoboCup Middle-sized-League soccer robots are mainly equipped with the three omni-roller mechanism. These mobile robots are expected to function efficiently in fields, such as logistics. These systems are easy to control and allow omnidirectional movement. However, theoretical research on these systems’ exercise efficiencies has not been conducted. In this research, we assume a mechanism that can arbitrarily change the roller arrangement based on a circular mechanism and evaluate the roller arrangement from a speed efficiency perspective. Additionally, we define an evaluation function using the theory of linear transformation to examine the roller arrangement.

Article History
Received 10 November,2022
Accepted 05 July 2023

Transformation matrix
Motion analysis of mobile robot


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